Info Concert 08/09/2012 @Takefu - 新しい地平 II

From several days ago I'm at Fukui, to participate in the Takefu International Music Festival. My new piece « Lynx Hunt for viola solo » will be played in New Horizons Concert II as one of the nominated pieces for Takefu Composition Award 2012.

Below I paste the information and a extract of the program note.

2012/09/08 16:30~18:00 @Echizen-shi Bunka Center
Ticket 2,000 yen
Performers:Next Mushroom Promotion, ensemble, Toshiya Suzuki, recorder, Felix Renggli, flute, Maki Ota, mezzo soprano, Junko Yamamoto, piano, Shuhei Mitsui, double bass, Takayo Matsumura, harp


About « Lynx Hunt » for viola solo : Gauche the Cellist is a short story by the Japanese author Kenji Miyazawa (1896-1933), that made me inspired to compose this piece.

- Synopsis - 
Gauche is a diligent but mediocre cellist who plays for a small town orchestra and the local cinema in the early 20th century. He struggles during rehearsals and is often berated by his conductor. 
Over the course of four nights, Gauche is visited at his mill house home by talking animals as he is practicing. 
The first night, a tortoiseshell cat came to Gauche and asked him to play Schumann's "Träumerei." Gauche was irritated, so he berated the cat and instead played "Tiger Hunt in India." This startled the cat and made it leap up and down in astonishment. The cat ran away in fright. 
The second night as he was practicing, a cuckoo came to him asking to practice scales to Gauche's cello accompaniment. Gauche repeatedly played "cuckoo, cuckoo," accompanied by the bird. Eventually, he felt that the cuckoo's song was better than his cello. Gauche chased the bird away, causing it to fly into his window, hitting its head. 
The third night as he was practicing, a raccoon dog (tanuki in Japanese) came to him asking to practice the drum to Gauche's cello accompaniment. As Gauche played "The Merry Master of a Coach Station," the tanuki hit the cello with a drum stick. The tanuki pointed out to Gauche that he played slowly despite trying to play speedily. The two left on good terms as the day broke. 
The fourth night as he was practicing, a mother mouse came in with her baby, asking him to heal her sick son. When Gauche told her that he wasn't a doctor, she replied that the sound of his music had already healed a number of animals. Gauche put the sick little mouse into a hole of his cello and played a rhapsody. When Gauche was finished, the little mouse was able to run around. The mother mouse cried, thanked Gauche, and left. 
After a great success of the orchestra's concert, in the dressing room, the conductor asked a surprised Gauche to play an encore. Upon hearing the applauding audience, Gauche thought he was being made a fool of and again played "Tiger Hunt in India." Afterward, everybody in the dressing room congratulated him.
When he came back to his house, he opened the window where the cuckoo had hit its head and felt sorry for his actions.
 ( Cf. Wikipedia : ) 

Gauche plays an imaginary piece called « Tiger Hunt in India » in this tale. As the viola is smaller than the cello, this work entitled « Lynx Hunt ». In addition, the main character's name “Gauche”, is a word with a double meaning as “left” and also “clumsy” in French.

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新しい地平コンサート II(作曲賞入選作と現代の名作)
9月8日(土)16:30~18:00 越前市文化センター大ホール

『ヴィオラのためのリンクス・ハント』について : 宮沢賢治晩年の作品で、死後1934年に発表された“セロ弾きのゴーシュ”。本作品はこの童話より着想を得て作曲された。

ゴーシュは町の活動写真館の楽団「金星音楽団」でセロ(チェロ)を弾く係。楽団では近く町の音楽会で演奏予定の『第六交響曲』の練習を続けていたが、ゴーシュは下手なためにいつも楽長に厳しく叱責されていた。そんなゴーシュのもとに、ある晩、三毛猫が訪れ、シューマンのトロイメライを弾くよう依頼する。勝手に上がってきたうえ、土産と称してゴーシュの畑から青いトマトを持ってきて、さらには生意気な知ったかぶりをしたのでゴーシュは腹を立て、耳を塞ぎたくなるような大音量で『印度の虎狩り』という曲を弾き、猫を追い払う。 翌晩はカッコウが鳴き声のドレミファ(音階)を正確に習うためにゴーシュの家へ来た。その次の晩は、小太鼓の係だという狸の子が、そのまた次の晩は、野鼠の親子が。(ゴーシュはこの野鼠によって、自分のセロの演奏で動物の病気が治ると知る。) 以上のように、様々な動物が夜毎に訪れ、いろいろと理由を付けてゴーシュに演奏を依頼する。そうした経験を経た後の音楽会本番で「第六交響曲」の演奏は成功し、司会者が楽長にアンコールを所望すると、楽長はゴーシュを指名した。ゴーシュは馬鹿にされたと思って立腹しながらも、動物たちの訪問を思い出しつつ、『印度の虎狩り』を夢中で演奏する。その演奏は楽長を初めとする他の楽団員から賞賛を受けることになった。
 ( Cf.セロ弾きのゴーシュ ) 

 物語に登場する架空のチェロ曲『印度の虎狩り Tinger Hunt』よりもひとまわり小さいヴィオラで演奏することから、虎→山猫(リンクス)とした。尚、主人公の名“ゴーシュ”は、フランス語の gauche 『左』、転じて『不器用な』という意味合いも持つ単語から来ているという説がある。
